4 Things You’re Already Doing To Protect Your Heart Without Even Knowing It

These good habits can surprisingly keep your ticker in tip-top shape.

In the U.S., one in three women die each year from heart disease and stroke, making it the leading cause of death among women. When it comes to risk factors of stroke and heart attack survival rates, we get the short end of the stick compared to men. Which is why it’s so important to make healthy choices that keep your heart healthy and functioning at its best.

Now for the encouraging news: 80 percent of heart disease and stroke events can be preventedthrough simply lifestyle changes. Eat more whole grains, exercise regularly, and don’t smoke. These are the classics we’re told can prevent heart disease. But as it turns out, a host of your other daily habits could also be protecting your heart.

Here are a few great things you’re probably already doing that help keep your ticker in tip-top shape.

1. Flossing

We floss to prevent gum disease, tooth decay and, well, let’s be honest, because the dentist tells us to. But good oral health, including brushing and regular flossing can also benefit your heart.

Experts aren’t exactly sure what causes the unlikely connection between oral health and heart health, but ultimately, dental plaque seems to promote the buildup of plaque in the arteries, a process called atherosclerosis. Evidence suggests that inflammation is a large factor. Gum disease is marked by inflammation, which triggers an immune response, and can affect processes throughout the body. “Inflammation is the ‘heart’ of heart disease,” Martha Gulati, M.D., a professor of medicine in the cardiology department at University of Arizona-Phoenix and author of Saving Women’s Hearts: How You Can Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease With Natural and Conventional Strategies, tells SELF.

Gulati says that when you have gum disease, whether it’s a minor case of gingivitis or more serious periodontitis, inflammation is at the root. This increased level can impact your cardiovascular health.

2. Eating chocolate

In recent years, there’s been a debate whether or not chocolate can be considered a superfood for its antioxidant properties, but a recent study published in the journal Heart confirms our suspicions (or hopes) that regular chocolate consumption does play a role in boosting heart health. The study followed more than 20,000 residents for 11 years and found that regular (milk or dark) chocolate consumers were less likely to develop or die from cardiovascular disease. We all need to indulge every now and then anyway—knowing it’s helping your ticker just sweetens the deal.

3. Laughing

Lightening the mood can also lighten the load on your heart. Laughing not only boosts your mood, it’s also great for reducing stress—it relaxes your muscles, stimulates your heart and lungs, aids in relaxation, and reduces your body’s stress response.

“Stress is closely linked to heart health in so many ways,” Gulati explains. “Stress raises cholesterol and blood pressure, and stress affects weight, our food choices and our sleep.” Thanks to these effects of stress, someone with chronic stress (and chronically elevated cortisol) has an increased risk of developing heart disease. So take a break to watch a comedy, read a funny book, or spend some quality time LOLing with friends. Your heart will thank you.

4. Getting quality zzz’s

It might be wishful thinking that we trust you’re clocking the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep each night. But we’re going to give you the benefit of the doubt here. No matter your gender or age, sleep essential for heart health. According to the National Sleep Foundation, although the exact reasoning isn’t yet clear, research does show that skimping on sleep can drastically increase your risk of both heart attack and stroke.

With adequate shut-eye, you’ll reduce illness, increase concentration, and refresh and recharge your heart. On the flipside, both snoring and sleep apnea (short periods without breathing while asleep) can be signs of heart disease, Gulati says. “Sleep apnea is associated with elevated blood pressure, weight gain, difficulty losing weight, stroke and heart disease.” But, she adds, “it is highly treatable and sometimes reversible.” Take snoring seriously and seek a sleep specialist’s attention if a partner or family member mentions you’re guilty of the noisy sleep habit. Your bedmate will be grateful, too.

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