Hello, my name is fibromyalgia. This is how I am going to change your life ..

Hello, my name is fibromyalgia. This is how I am going to change your life ..

Hello, my name is fibromyalgia. I am here to introduce myself and to tell you how I am going to change your life. I want to get involved in their work life, social activities, family life, domestic responsibilities, rest time, in all its aspects. Initially, you will not know it’s me. You may think that you are just getting old and some things are changing naturally. However, you will soon discover that I have affected every part of your life and things can change drastically.



I want to get to know you, every fiber of your being. What does the signal do? What excites you? What keeps you involved with social activities? Who are your friends? Does your family support you? Will your friends and family embrace me the way I hugged and caught them?

Let’s see, what can I learn first? I think I will focus first on your work life. Have you noticed that after sitting at that desk working for a while, it’s a struggle to stand up and be consistent? Yes that’s me! The pain you feel is not just the effect of aging, but the effects of me, your new friend. What else is changing at work? Do you find it more difficult to concentrate and follow all the changes that happen in your department and business? Are you easily confused and unable to concentrate very well? All these are me standing in your life. In a short time, you may lack a lot of work and question your performance. If this happens, be sure to consult your doctor and obtain the necessary notes to protect your work and / or your benefits. I hope you have the kind of work that gives you these benefits.

One thing that I will surely change is your habit of sleeping. You probably do not feel very rested after a full night’s sleep. Even if you slept through the night, you will still feel tired. That’s me, again, poking my head in an area of ​​your life that will affect all the other areas of your life. Along with the pains and pains, I bring fatigue with me. At first, you may really enjoy staying in bed longer, but after a while, you and I will have words about how lazy you feel. It is not my intention to make you feel that way. I really just want to be noticed and the fatigue really makes me notice. I like to be the center of attention. If you are going to spend more time in bed, do some things that make it more pleasant. For example, get some sets of your favorite soft sheets. Put some easy-to-read books, word puzzles, coloring books and other easy things that you enjoy by your bed. When you have the energy, do something that you enjoy. Do not forget to keep the water next to your bed. You will have to stay hydrated.

Then you may discover that your social life is being ruined. I will interfere with your weekend plans, whether they go out with friends, go to church, play on a sports team or just enjoy a weekend on the coast. If your friends accept me in your life, they will understand. They can even work with their new schedules to spend time with you. Those are some great friends you have! Thank that kind of friends because many people with whom I live tend to lose contact with friends they do not understand little by little. You know, it can be useful for you to tell them everything about me and how your life will be affected. I know it’s embarrassing, but that may be the best advice for you. Maybe that will help your friends understand that it is not the way you choose to be now and that you will fight when you can.

Your family will get to know me extremely well. There may be days when you do not see them even if you live in the same house. You probably spend a day here and there in your room sleeping because only the idea of ​​getting up is exhausting. If you can, inform them in advance when I will bother you more. Times when the weather is changing, cold or wet seems to be my favorite time to intrude. Make sure your family knows that you love them and do not try to avoid them. Maybe on the days when I leave you alone, you can work with your family to prepare meals in advance. Then all they have to do is heat the food. Of course, running out of hamburgers or tacos can also be an excellent option. Try to keep fresh fruits and vegetables at home so there are healthy options not only for us, but for the whole family. Some families that I know support each other. Unfortunately, not all are like that. Have an open discussion about who I am and the effects I have on you, so they understand me completely. If possible, see if there are support groups in person or online for the families of the people I meet. That can help them understand my total impact on their life.

We will stay there much now. Sometimes it will seem that I prevent you from doing what is necessary to keep it organized and clean. Have patience with yourself. Let’s get up together and do a little at a time. The dishes, for example, can be made in steps. First, empty the dishwasher and store the clean ones. You need to rest? Then do it! Then start filling the dishwasher with dirty dishes. Drinking is slow and easy if necessary. If there are dishes that need to be washed by hand, let them soak in soap and water for a moment. Once you are ready to get up and do a little more, they are easier to clean. Wash clothes the same way. Do the charges when your energy is high. It may take a day or two, so plan to do the needs first. Can you ask for help from relatives? After all, it’s also your clothes and your dishes! When you achieve something, do a celebratory dance or just look in the mirror and congratulate yourself. You are wonderful! Even with me by your side every step of the way, you have some things done. Sometimes, the best personal care involves encouraging yourself with positive thoughts and looks. Now that I think about it, make a list of all the things you love about yourself. Keep that list close for those times when you really do not feel so good about yourself. Keep a journal nearby and recognize yourself and the things you accomplish on a daily basis. Maybe it’s just going from the bedroom to the living room to watch TV. Maybe he’s showering and washing his hair. There will be times when I will try to prevent you from brushing your teeth. If you feel this way, get up and brush your teeth and write it down as an achievement. While you’re in the sink, look in the mirror and tell yourself “good work.” Remember, my name is fibromyalgia. Not yours! You are simply someone who is learning to live with me. Some days will be better than others, it’s true. However, you are always a gift. You are always loved (even when you do not feel like it). You struggle to make your life and that of your family the best you can and that is wonderful. In the same way that we try to speak inspiring words to our children who are learning (and sometimes failing) to do new things, they are learning to live with a condition. You are not the condition. Find ways to keep those positive thoughts about yourself on your path. After all, you’re amazing!

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