Stop Heart Attack Immediately Using This Mixture

Many people don’t know that one simple but strong ingredient is able to prevent heart attack in just one minute

John Christopher, a popular herbalist, discovered the most efficient formula to stop heart attack in a minute. There are over 50 such formulas but this one turned out to be the most efficient. Although he is not a doctor, his contributions for the alternative medicine are very important.

The secret ingredient he discovered is the cayenne pepper! He knew that it can prevent heart attacks in a minute, and also he says that this approach works amazing. Cayenne is the most well-known type of chilli pepper. Always have some cayenne pepper at home – it can save a life by preventing a heart attack.

How to Use the Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne contains at least 90,000 heat units. Habanero, Thai Chi, African Bird, Jamaican Hot Pepper, Scotch Bonet and Jalapeño are types of peppers with the same heat value. You can purchase cayenne pepper from a supermarket, healthy food store and oriental stores.

If you have cayenne pepper in the kitchen, give it to a person that is having a heart attack with a glass of water. But the patient needs to be conscious.

If the patient is unconscious, then you may need to use cayenne extract. Add a couple of drops under the patient’s tongue for best results.

Cayenne is a strong stimulant; it speeds up the heart rate and carries the blood throughout the body, balancing the circulation. Cayenne has a hemostatic impact, instantly stops the bleeding and helps the recovery in patients that suffered a heart attack.

Health experts claim that they’ve never lost a patient due to this therapy.

Dr Schulz’s Recipe for Cayenne pepper Tincture

This tincture is a good solution for an emergency case of a heart attack. Use just cayenne pepper, which is the most widespread type of chili pepper; it grows in South America and India.

Chili is a tropical perennial plant. Ground chili is 20 times stronger than the regular pepper, due to its high concentration of capsaicin. The heat of chili is inversely proportional to its size, so the smallest one are often the hottest. Always opt for this type.


• Powdered cayenne pepper
• 2 fresh cayenne peppers
• 50 percent alcohol (you may use vodka)


1. Put on the gloves for your safety.2. Fill 1/4 of the bottle with powdered cayenne pepper. Pour enough alcohol so that it covers the cayenne powder.

3. Mix the peppers in a blender with enough alcohol so that you get a denser consistency. Pour this mixture in the bottle so that ¾ of it is filled.

4. Fill the bottle to its top with 50% alcohol and close it. Shake is couple of times during the day.

5. Let the tincture stay in a dry and dark place for 15 days and then strain it. Keep the final tincture in a darker bottle.

If you want a stronger tincture, let it stay for three months before straining it.

6. Keep it in a dark and dry place. It will never get spoiled.

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