How heat and summer humidity affect your fibromyalgia

By: Leena Mark Fibromyalgia is primarily known for the pain, fatigue and discomfort it causes a person, and several factors can increase the risk of having it or increase pain. Many patients have reported that being exposed to different types of weather makes them feel more pain. For example, being outside on a sunny day, or if…

Marijuana Chewing Gum to Relieve Fibromyalgia Pain

By: Lily Jane The legalization of marijuana in many states has opened numerous perspectives and has resulted in many ingenious ideas for its use, expanding the range of medicinal marijuana products. The evidence that cannabis is an effective method to treat painful and chronic conditions is undeniable. Additionally, it is more effective than leading traditional…

Marijuana Most Top Rated Treatment For Fibromyalgia: National Pain Report

By: Lily Jane Medical marijuana is far more effective at treating symptoms of fibromyalgia than any of the three prescription drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat the disorder. That is one of the surprise findings in an online survey of over 1,300 fibromyalgia patients conducted by the National Pain Foundation and National Pain Report. The FDA…

I’m Not ‘Sick.’ I Have Fibromyalgia.

The struggle with fibromyalgia is that every day it’s something new. My everyday is a constant battle on an all-terrain track; full of dangers, no idea where I’m going or what I’ll hit next. I’m in an infinity roundabout of symptoms. Every obstacle is calculated to avoid risk but the outcome is never predictable no matter how…

27 Real Symptoms of Fibromyalgia That Aren’t Just In Your Head

Fibromyalgia is a widespread chronic pain syndrome that occurs mostly in women 20 to 50 years old. The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases estimates that five million people in the U.S. suffer from fibromyalgia. Even though it’s so wide-spread, the cause of fibromyalgia is still unclear, and fibromyalgia symptoms can be just as varied and…

I’m Damned If I Do and Damned If I Don’t When It Comes to My Fibromyalgia

I have fibromyalgia and have had it since at least 1996. For the first couple of decades I was lucky as the symptoms I experienced were relatively mild. I had some aches, pains and chronic migraines. The migraines were probably the worst, but then a few years ago, I took a bad fall and everything went straight to…

Stress is the biggest problem that arises in people who are affected by Fibromyalgia!

How to deal with fibromyalgia and stress pain Everyone is facing some kind of stress in their life. Stress is something everyone knows and is considered part of life. It may be not having enough money, problems with marriage or children, etc. It could be anything. People with fibromyalgia have high levels of stress. Everyone knows about the stress…

Berkeley Doctor Claims People Die From Chemotherapy, Not Cancer

By Amanda Froelich, People who refuse chemotherapy treatment live on average 12 and a half years longer than people who undergo chemotherapy, says Dr. Jones. According to recent statistics, approximately 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will develop cancer in their lifetimes. This saddening reality is made worse when it is acknowledged that modern methods…

Sensitivity To Temperature In Fibromyalgia

Temperature sensitivity affects many women with fibromyalgia, including myself. You can be cold all the time or hot all the time or alternate between heat or cold. For more than twenty-five years I had hot flashes and night sweats. I can not tell you how many times I was ashamed because I could not stop sweating. My hair and…

Food You Need To Eat To Help You Deal With Fibromyalgia

We have all heard the old adage “you are what you eat”, but have you ever stopped to think how true that is? Eating a healthy diet gives your body energy and increases immunity, even without a medical condition. In this guest post, food blogger, Kristin recommends some foods to eat that can help you deal with…

Lady Gaga: Fibromyalgia Is ‘Punishment’ For Joining The Illuminati

Lady Gaga believes her illness is a physical manifestation of the dark forces that seized control of her body and soul after she joined the Illuminati early in her career, according to production staff from Gaga’s new documentary. The Netflix produced Gaga: Five Foot Two is a warts-and-all documentary portrait of the troubled star – or at…

Study: Weather Conditions Do Not Affect Fibromyalgia

Many people who suffer from fibromyalgia say changes in the weather can affect their level of pain and fatigue. But according to a new study by Dutch researchers, weather conditions such as temperature, sunshine, and precipitation have no impact on fibromyalgia symptoms in female patients. “Our analyses provide more evidence against, than in support of,…

10 signs of fibromyalgia to never ignore

“Fibromyalgia, also known as fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), is a chronic condition that characteristically causes pain throughout the body, including muscle and joint pain and fatigue, as well as other symptoms. Fibromyalgia can lead to depression and social isolation. ” – WebMD Fibromyalgia is a particularly distressing condition that can affect someone, both mentally and physically. Upon awakening, a…

New Research Finally Solves the ‘Fibromyalgia Mystery’?

The research is real, but it is neither new nor did it substantively affect the debate about the disease’s cause. New research has uncovered that the true cause of fibromyalgia is an excess number of specific nerves found near a specific kind of blood vessel in the hands and feet, ending the controversy over the…

Lady Gaga Fibromyalgia Announcement Gives Voice To Millions of Patients

By: Maria Benson Logan, Utah. Statement from Sharon Waldrop, Vice President of the National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association on Lady Gaga’s recent announcement that she suffers from the illness: “We commend Lady Gaga for the incredibly brave act of revealing her fibromyalgia diagnosis. By sharing her story with the world, she is giving voice…

I’m Fighting Fibromyalgia With a New Diet

Do you think that Fibromyalgia is related to the persons’ weight? Can losing weight help with the Fibromyalgia symptoms? Tell us in the comments! Saturday morning, so much to do!…. but, guess what?; an intense pain on my feet, elbows, and right hip woke up at 8 am. I know, I know… I would have…

The 10 Most Hateful Things People say to People With Fibromyalgia

By:John Sousa We know that in addition to suffering the actual pain, fatigue, and fog of fibromyalgia, many patients also suffer from the stigma associated with having a chronic disease. We asked our readers for some of the more hateful examples of what people say to them. Be warned, some of this stuff is just…

Muscle spasms in Fibromyalgia

One of the symptoms that can cause more pain in Fibromyalgia is the muscle spasms. These spasms contract the muscles, and it is very difficult to relax them afterward. Places where the muscles usually contract are the neck, back, and thighs, but it is not limited to these parts of the body. Besides, it can…

Fibromyalgia Sufferers: Could a Hot Tub Help?

The chronic pain that is felt throughout the body can make everyday activities harder than ever to complete. Many sufferers find that they are limited as to how much they can do during their day, changing their life for the worse. While those who suffer with this are often prescribed medications to help control some…

I Am So Sick of Being Sick

I am so tired of being sick and tired and not knowing what to do about it. I feel myself slipping into that black hole of clinical depression and I’m fighting it so hard. I’m scared of getting that bad again,I don’t think i could survive it. I’m always sick at my stomach,I’m always in…