I Am So Sick of Being Sick

I am so tired of being sick and tired and not knowing what to do about it. I feel myself slipping into that black hole of clinical depression and I’m fighting it so hard. I’m scared of getting that bad again,I don’t think i could survive it. I’m always sick at my stomach,I’m always in…

How Badly Fibromyalgia Affects Your Feet.

Fibromyalgia treatment should extend from the top of your head to the tips of your toes — literally. Although feet are not the location most likely to experience fibromyalgia pain, in a recent paper published in the journal Arthritis Research and Therapy, about half of the 202 patients with fibromyalgia studied reported foot problems. “Compensation for foot pain…

Energy drinks the cause of many sudden cardiac deaths in young people, researchers find

High amounts of sugar and caffeine can aggravate underlying heart issues, causing fatal arrhythmias  By Christopher Maynard Christopher Maynard is a New York-based writer and editor who has worked as a security guard, high school teacher, theatrical lighting designer and volunteer fireman. He is a graduate of Marist College. To many adolescents and young adults, energy…

8 simple home remedies that help with cleaning arteries

Home Remedies That Help With Cleaning Arteries: Your arteries carry oxygen-rich blood throughout every part of your body. When healthy, arteries are smooth on the inside, and blood flows through them easily, according to WebMD. However, sometimes we get a buildup of plaque on the inner walls of our arteries, which clogs them and inhibits blood…

Gut Microbes Could Play a Role in Heart Disease Too

Research has shown that having the right gut microbes can reduce the risk of heart disease – if you’re a mouse. Now, our latest study, published in the European Heart Journal, shows that this might be true for humans, too. Most people know that the risk factors for heart disease are high blood pressure, high cholesterol and…

What you should know about a person with fibromyalgia

One of the members of our closed group shared this story with us and asked us to publish it to spread our disease. This is what you should know about people with fibromyalgia. 1. My pain  My pain is not your pain It is not caused by inflammation. Taking your medicine for arthritis will not help me. I…

Fibromyalgia: trigger points in the neck cause dizziness

The trigger points in the neck can cause dizziness and vertigo that many people experience with fibromyalgia. These trigger points can disrupt your perception and sense of balance, causing you to drop things or stumble and trip over things. Many symptoms of head and neck, ears, eyes, nose and throat may be due to trigger points in…

‘I Was So Grateful For My Body’: Jennifer Aniston Portrays Chronic Pain

Jennifer Aniston plays a woman who suffers from chronic pain in the independent film Cake. Aniston says she was drawn in by Claire — “someone who is suffering from an unimaginable trauma and loss, [while] also dealing with the daily physical pain that is a constant reminder of that trauma and loss.” Cinelou In the new movie Cake, Jennifer…

Fibromyalgia Makes Me Feel Like I’ve Been Beaten Up by Invisible Elves

Fibromyalgia pain for me feels like I’ve been beaten up by invisible elves. I’ve described it like this before in another article and I’ll reiterate it again. I describe it like this because, though amusing, I hope it gives people a phrase to communicate the random, irritating and agonizing nature of the pain. I was…

What Sleeping Is Like When You Have Fibromyalgia

By:Jules Bonds For anyone with fibromyalgia, there are so many different symptoms that can, and do, affect your life. For me, lack of sleep is my number one enemy. I can be so tired throughout the day, staring mindlessly at a computer screen or unable to keep focused on my drive home from work yet,…

Grieving the Person I Was Before Chronic Illness

BY:Gloria Shannon Sitting at the end of my bed, it suddenly thumps me across the chest like a ton of bricks. My lip trembles, I can feel the lump in my throat and I have to stop myself before the tears flow. I’m struggling to put on my socks and quickly I’m reminded that my…

What is Occipital Neuralgia and How it Links with Fibromyalgia

By:Wyatt Redd  Occipital Neuralgia and How it Links with Fibromyalgia? One of the worst things about fibromyalgia, besides the chronic pain and fatigue, has to be the way that people who suffer from fibromyalgia are at risk of so many other conditions like autoimmune diseases and especially, chronic headaches. It’s estimated that up to forty percent…

Heart Attack Signs Every Woman Should Know

Subtle symptoms It’s true: Women are different from men, not least of all when it comes to heart attack symptoms. Once considered almost strictly a man’s problem, we now know that anyone can have a heart attack. Rosie O’Donnell had a heart attack in 2012, and like most women, she didn’t experience the classic, chest-clutching “Hollywood Heart Attack.”…

8 Causes of Chest Pain That Aren’t a Heart Attack

Common causes of chest pain All too often, the mention of chest pain conjures up images of a heart attack, but there are plenty of other diseases and conditions that can trigger this symptom. Some of them—like that chest muscle you pulled raking leaves last fall—are more annoying than serious. But others can be far more…

20 Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally

What is high blood pressure? Nearly half of Americans have high blood pressure, according to new guidelines from the American Heart Association (AHA) and the American College of Cardiology. The guidelines, published in Hypertension, lower the threshold for what’s considered high blood pressure from 140/80 mmHg to 130/80 mmHg. (Anything under 120/80 mmHg is considered normal blood pressure.) That…

How Amitriptyline May Help People With Fibromyalgia

By:  WYATT REDD Over the years, various medications have undergone evaluation for use in the treatment of fibromyalgia. Those medications include muscle relaxants, corticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs), sedatives and tricylic antidepressants. Tricylic antidepressants actually have some history in the treatment of fibromyalgia. In fact, several of these antidepressants are used in the treatment of the…

Neurontin and Lyrica are a Death Sentence for New Brain Synapses : Shocking Study

Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist Neurontin and its newer more potent version, Lyrica, are widely used for off-label indications that are an outright flagrant danger to the public. These blockbuster drugs were approved for use even though the FDA had no idea what they actually did in the brain. A shocking new study…

21 of the best essentials oils for fibromyalgia pain

By: Tibor Racz, MD Addison, TX If you suffer from fibromyalgia Pain, you know that finding any pain relief is so crucial. Natural treatments are even better–allowing for pain relief without the added side effects of procedures or medication. Essential oils for fibromyalgia pain promise to help aches, clear your head, and reduce fatigue. Here’s 21 of…

Fibromyalgia : The Condition No One Understands

By: Sarah Borien I’ve suffered from fibromyalgia for six years. To this day I’m not sure what I find hardest; the constant pain, fatigue and myriad of other symptoms that come with the diagnosis, or the constant need to explain and justify it. In 2010 when I was diagnosed, it was by process of elimination….

20 Photos That Show What Fibromyalgia Really Looks Like

By:Erin Migdol Via-The Mighty Fibromyalgia is typically thought of as an “invisible” illness. But what if you look closer? What’s going on behind the brave face, the body that to others appears “fine?” Often, it’s days spent on the couch, feeling too nauseated to eat, excruciating nerve pain, and pushing through it all while few people…