Effects of fibromyalgia on the legs. Connection between fibro and leg pain.

If you’re reading this, it’s because you want more information about the F word that nobody likes to talk about:   fibromyalgia  , the mysterious chronic pain disorder that many people suffer from, in silence. Because the list of symptoms varies greatly from one person to another, doctors run the risk of misdiagnosing the problem or even ignoring it altogether.

As you probably know, fibromyalgia can cause intense waves of numbing, throbbing, deep, sharp or burning pain anywhere, anytime. In addition to the most common symptoms, such as fatigue, anxiety or depression, headaches and memory problems, pain in the legs, especially the plagues that suffer from fibromyalgia.

Is it normal to have pain in the legs with fibromyalgia?

Ask anyone with fibromyalgia to describe their pain and at some point on the line, compare it with inflammatory pain caused by tendinitis or osteoarthritis … This is because fibromyalgia affects the “sensitive points” of the body, which include tendons, muscles and joints. [one]

According to Healthline, these spots are spots on the body that are extremely painful, even if the least pressure is applied. Doctors have identified nine pairs of tender points, for a total of 18, to help determine if someone has fibromyalgia or not: [2]

  • Both sides of the back of the head.
  • Both sides of the neck.
  • Top of each shoulder
  • Shoulder bladders
  • Both sides of the upper chest.
  • Out of each elbow
  • Both sides of the hips.
  • Buttocks
  • Interior of the knees.

Regardless of whether you are lying down, sitting or standing, the pain in your legs persists and may get worse if you stay in the same position for too long. Then, you can see how you can make things like working in a sedentary job, sitting down to dinner or   sleeping   almost impossible. You will often experience pain  in the  legs   inside each knee   or   hip, just behind the hip bone  , and can travel to the surrounding area at least a few centimeters making the muscles feel weak.

What contributes or causes the leg pain of fibromyalgia?

Although researchers are still somewhat perplexed in the cause of fibromyalgia, there are some symptoms and conditions that may shed some light …

Fibromyalgia and restless legs syndrome

According to a 2010 study published in the  Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, people with fibromyalgia are more likely to have restless legs syndrome (RLS). [3] It is a disorder that causes a sensation of unpleasant contraction in the muscles of the legs that can only be remedied by moving the legs with restlessness. [4]

The researchers gathered 172 patients with fibromyalgia (93% of whom were women) and 63 people who reported no pain or fatigue. After seeing who had restless legs syndrome, they found that 33% of patients with fibromyalgia had RLS. (Only 3% of the group free of pain and fatigue had the syndrome!) [3]

Fibromyalgia and neuropathy

In some patients with fibromyalgia there may be sensations of tingling or burning in the feet and may be caused by something called neuropathy. In November 2013, a study published in the journal   Pain   explored the similarities between fibromyalgia and another disease called small-fiber polyneuropathy (SFPN), in which small fibers of the skin are damaged. [5]

In the study of 57 people, 27 of the participants had fibromyalgia. The researchers found that 46% of them had SFNP, “a recognized cause of chronic widespread pain for which objective tests are accepted.” [6]

“Until now, we have not had a good idea about what causes fibromyalgia, but now we have some patients’ tests, but not all of them,” said study author and associate professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School, Anne. Louise Oaklander. [6] “Fibromyalgia is too complex for a ‘one size fits all’ explanation.”

Fibromyalgia and sensitive points

Also known as “trigger points”, the nine pairs mentioned above can result in excruciating pain in the legs. In addition to these tender points, existing arthritis can also trigger longer muscle and joint pain due to inflammation. Although the pain of arthritis does not last as long as the pain of fibromyalgia, the two most common symptoms shared between the two are morning stiffness and dull pain in the joints. [7]

Natural remedies and treatments for leg pain of fibromyalgia.

Until researchers can reduce the true cause of fibromyalgia, it can be a long time before effective natural treatments are known. However, there are smaller but significant steps that people with fibromyalgia can take to live a fuller and less painful life. Here are some of them…

  1. Walking casual
  2. Stretching with exercise bands.
  3. Riding a stationary bicycle
  4. Eat an anti-inflammatory, fibro-friendly diet

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