Fibromyalgia, I forgot the words I was going to say, I forgot what I was going to do, I forgot where I was going …

Fibro-fog in fibromyalgia syndrome and chronic fatigue

Cerebral fog (or fibroof fibro or cognitive dysfunction) is one of the most common complaints of people with fibromyalgia (FM) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

For many, this can have a significant impact on their lives in the form of pain. or fatigue. Some people even say that brain fog is the most disabling physical symptom.

 What causes Brainkit? 

We still do not know exactly what causes cognitive dysfunction in these circumstances, but we have many theories about possible contributing factors, including:  

• lack of a good night’s sleep

• an abnormal blood volume or bleeding from the skull

• brain abnormalities

• premature aging of the brain

• mental distraction due to pain

With FM, brain fog is usually more intense as the pain worsens. Whether it’s FM or CFS, it can get worse if you’re anxious, in a hurry, or emotional overload. Depression  , common in FM and CFS, is  also associated with FibroFum.

 However, some studies show that the severity of the cerebral veil does not match the symptoms of depression. Many medications commonly used against FM and CFS may also contribute to the formation of a veil in the brain.

Fibro-fog brain symptoms:

• Symptoms of mental confusion can range from mild to severe. • They often vary from day to day and not all patients have them all.

Symptoms include:  

• Difficulty remembering familiar words, using incorrect words, remembering slowly.

Short-term memory problems:

• Forgotten, you can not remember what you have read or heard

• Spatial disorientation: by not recognizing a home environment, it is easily lost, it is difficult to remember where it is find. Difficulties to perform several tasks:

• Inability to pay attention to more than one thing, to forget the initial task of distraction

• Problems of confusion and concentration, problems of information processing, are quickly distracted. Mathematics / Number Problems:

• Difficulty performing simple mathematical operations, memorizing sequences, transposing numbers, memorizing numbers

• Some people may also have other types of brain disorders. Brain Fog and Learning Disorders: so far, we have no evidence that our brain fog comes from known learning disabilities. However, our problems are similar to those related to disorders such as dyslexia (reading problems), aphasia (difficulty speaking) and dyscalculia (mathematical calculation problems / time / space) .If you think you have a disability mental, contact your doctor. The diagnosis can help you make reasonable adjustments to work or claim disability benefits.

Treatment of brain fog for some people, brain fog disappears with effective treatment for pain or sleep problems. However, not all people can find an effective treatment, leaving a large number of people without treatment for this problem. A common option. Although we do not have much evidence of effectiveness, some doctors and people with these diseases have noticed that supplements improve brain function / thinking.

Common supplements for brain fog are:


• Vitamins B

• L-carnitine


• Omega-3 (fish oil) (Chia)


• St. John’s Wort

• Theanine (an amino acid found in tea leaves) Some doctors recommend that dietary changes are the food “Beneficial for the brain”, some of which are natural sources of the above supplements.

Some of these foods are:  

• Screws (Omega-3)

• Canola or nut oil (Omega-3) Eggs (hill)

• Vegetables and fruits

• Carbohydrates

• Chia seeds (Omega-3) Some studies show that fibromyalgia is moderate. 

Exercise can also help improve brain function. Mental exercise Researchers are learning more about the brain and how it works. New information can help us understand brain fogging. Research on brain aging and some degenerative diseases shows that cognitive training can sometimes delay, stop or reverse the loss of intellectual function. Some doctors training programs, which often contain software that you use at home.

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